P801 here! |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 1:01 AM
Labels: Aizat :) Classrep Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 11:22 PM
Labels: Aizat :) Classrep 11:13 PM
HELLO EVERYONE :) I just post to ask about the CLASS TEE. ANYONE GOT ANY IDEA FOR OUR CLASS IDENTITY?? IF HAVE PLS POST ON THE BLOG. THANKS. we have been discussing since day 1. up till now still nothing. hope the thing can be done before our YEAR 2. ANYTHING CONTACT ME ON MSN OR SMS. Labels: Aizat :) Classrep Monday, January 19, 2009, 1:45 AM
the Ho Superstar
the overzealous lunatics ![]() and the thrilled Gary Ho ![]() Sunday, January 18, 2009, 3:16 PM
Re: previous post.
sorry. include Terminal 3. apparantly, abbas forgot to include in e paper 2:06 PM
DISCLAIMER: I DON'T KNOW WAT TIME HO IS ARRIVING, HE WILL CALL ME T-MINUS 2 HOURS.yeah.. since we are going to receive Ho who is taking a night flight, i suggest doing abbas's proj at the same time. abbas said that the peak hours for wkends are 1830 - 000hrs. and the only few night flights from thailand arrive at about 2200hrs. so i propose that we be at the airport around 1800hrs. and while waiting for Ho, we do the proj. abbas said that it should take about 4hrs, including travelling, so at the end of the 4 hrs, Ho should have touched-down. timing suisui.. what say you guys? There's Arrival/Departure at 3 terminals, ie. 6 different locations for us to make our observations. that's more than enough place... abbas only asked us to do at T1, T2, BT So, i say, lets tag the location that you intend to situate yourself, to prevent any overlaps, once all places have be occupied, then we recycle the choices. Let's use this legend on the tag board: T1A - Terminal 1 Arrival T1D - Terminal 1 Departure T2A - Terminal 2 Arrival T2D - Terminal 2 Departure BTA - Budget Terminal Arrival BTD - Budget Terminal Departure PS: if there's any part where i misread the proj, pls bring it up. I just skimmed it through. and remember, we have to start recording the time we leave our house , waiting time for bus, etc here are some useful links to check the arrival/departure times. 1. Changi Airport 2. Flight Stats Arr 3. Flight Stats Dep ~Ben Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 11:51 PM
from Ben.
i heard this line before somewhere,"there's nothing you can rob from man, but his spirit" a lot of people are putting in a lot of effort in us, Some put in significantly more. I have seen it before. It is a very sad thing when a person loses faith and gives up on something/someone. Even if we don't give 2 hoots about ourselves, at the very least, even if it means dragging your feet, don't let their efforts go to waste. But that's not the point. In the first place, I don't think anything is expected in return. Whatever is done, is done out of their own good will. The only ones who will truely benefit are us, yet ironically, we are also the ones who are negating the effort put in. Sometimes, the result isn't the most important thing. Even if you have no clue as to how to accomplish a certain task, at least try! DO your best. Even if you fail, your effort is still recognized. MengHui may not be the outspoken/affluent sort, but this morning, I can really see him giving his 100%. Engaging the crowd tirelessly, walking them from the entrance to the booth, etc SHOW a positive attitude. It's bad enough that we stroll in late into class. And now, there's a major event, and yet we display the same nonchalant attitude. If there's a really good reason, fair enough. Worst still, the latecomers don't seem to show any sense of urgency. I have mentioned this before, if one person is late, can the others PLS go ahead and report for duty first. You are holding up the whole event! Taking short breaks to catch a breath and recharge is perfectly fine! However, not to the extent of taking a full lunch break!! If you know that your task clashes with your meal time, makan before ur timeslot. Worse comes to worst, I don't think the lecturers mind you guys munching on finger food but don't abandon your post all together. Moreover this is unjustifiable just because you feel that you don't see any positive response from the crowd. You may feel feel that you are arrowed for duty and so you shall just go through motion. But do you get this luxury in future when you are working? Habits, attitude and character are moulded from young. Negative traits are very hard to get rid off. You may think that the punishment is too harsh. In fact, I feel that the punishment dealt is beffiting of immature kids. It serves as a wakeup call to us, in hope that we will wise up. However, did anyone even stop grumbling and look past the punishment? What's the purpose of this event? Is it for the school? Is it for the lecturers? Or is it for each and every one of us? A state-of-the-art weapon is useless if the soldier is untrained to use it. Similarly, a good course/diploma is but an empty shell if there are not good, hardworking students in it. If the upcoming cohorts fail to meet the mark, it stains the reputation of our Dip, and all the man-hours, all the efffort put into this course will go to waste! But the ones who really lost out is US. If you really fail to see the big picture, at least listen to the advice of those who can! Trust me, Trust ah Ho. He has absolutely nothing to gain but satisfaction from our success in life. There's only so much that can be said. The rest is up to you guys to perform. I'm certain we are capable of so much more, it would be a complete waste if we fail to live up to our true potential. So, lets work together to be the best we can all be! ![]() 11:36 PM
Re: JAE'09
LATEST UPDATE : COURSE TEE + JEANS FOR ALL FORCES !Correct As At : 2337hrs/13'Jan'09 Sunday, January 11, 2009, 3:02 PM
AIZAT WHERE'RE YOU LOOKING AT! Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 11:20 AM
Another tip by AH BEN
~repost by Ben. this is how the article should look like~ Max your PowerPoint potential The right design can help capture more attention. Wed, Dec 31, 2008The Straits Times By Robin Chan CREATING a powerful and effective PowerPoint presentation is a vastly underrated skill. Just throw some slides together one after the other and voila, right? That is probably the quickest way to losing your job, client and reputation. A quick search in a bookstore will reveal hundreds of books that tell you how to nail the presentation, but few books that focus on the design of the actual PowerPoint slides. Mr Dave Paradi, author of Guide to PowerPoint, estimated that corporations could be wasting over US$250 million (S$362 million) on bad PowerPoints each day. Dr Donald Tan, a local lecturer and consultant on marketing and communications, said that PowerPoint is becoming increasingly abused as many people try to squeeze as much data as possible onto their slides. 'What it should be, is a visual tool to emphasise key points to the audience,' he said. Of course, the PowerPoint is only one aspect of the presentation. Ms Aisha Hussain, head of the business English department at the Singapore Institute of Management University, warned that slides must not overpower or distract from your presentation. Nonetheless, regardless of setting, whether you are a consultant presenting your findings or a marketing executive making your pitch, PowerPoint continues to be a powerful presentation tool. Ms Yang Mei Ling, a lecturer in the strategy, management and organisation division at Nanyang Business School, said: 'Your slides project your personality, credibility and professionalism - especially to an audience which does not know you personally. 'Lack of attention to organisation, format, spelling and grammar may convey an unfavourable image. This can put you at a disadvantage.' So if you are not putting enough thought into your slides, 'Death by PowerPoint' could be just round the corner. Here are our top survival tips. KEEP IT SHORT The length of the presentation is everything. Research shows the average attention span of a human being is 20 minutes. Therefore, experts suggest keeping the presentation to 20 minutes at most. The total number of slides should be between 10 and 20 slides, so you should not spend more than one to two minutes a slide. The aim is to keep the presentation moving swiftly. KEEP IT SIMPLE With your PowerPoint slides, less is more. Use a common font style like Arial and a large point size of between 28 and 32. Avoid animation as it is unprofessional. Instead, use simple transition effects to emphasise the end of each section. CONTEXT MATTERS Who are you presenting to? If you can answer this question, it should make the design of your slides that much easier. Mr Garr Reynolds, author of Presentation Zen, suggests thinking of your slides not in terms of 'right or wrong' but rather in terms of what is 'appropriate or inappropriate'. So before you design your slides, ask yourself if what you are doing is appropriate for a particular context. MAKE A POINT If your slide does not make a point, take it out of the presentation. That said, avoid having too many points on each slide. Make one point per slide. Use short bursts of text separated by bullets to capture the main point of each slide. Put your slide titles to work as well. They should help deliver the message. What might be most effective is a declarative sentence that states the point directly. BE CONSISTENT Everything from your colour scheme, text size and even syntax should be consistent. For colours, contrast is important. In general, stick to a dark background with light-coloured text and vice versa. A dark background with white font reduces glare. MAKE IT VISUAL Remember your slides are a visual aid. It is a chance to use graphs and images to enhance your presentation - so do it. Good use of graphics should help to put the message across in a clearer way. That said, avoid using clip art in the presentation. LEAVE OUT THE CLUTTER Do not clutter the slide with data. The more complicated and detailed data can be put on a handout. POPULAR PRESENTATION METHODS: The 10/20/30 rule: A term coined by entrepreneurship guru Guy Kawasaki, the presentation should not have more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes and have no text less than size 30 point font. 'If you must use more than 10 slides to explain your business, you probably don't have a business,' Mr Kawasaki noted. Pecha Kucha: This is the brainchild of two Tokyo-based architects, Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. This method requires the presentation to have not more than 20 slides, with each slide lasting exactly 20 seconds. So the entire presentation is about six minutes and 40 seconds long. If it sounds tough to do - it is. But it keeps presentations short and concise. The Ignite method: The founders of the Ignite communities ask this: If you had five minutes on stage, what would you say? What if you have only 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Gaining popularity in some communities, the idea again is to keep the presentation short and to the point. Useful resources: Read Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds, or visit lets you check out other people's uploaded PowerPoint presentations. This article was first published in The Straits Times on December 29, 2008. Copyright ©2007 Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. Co. Regn. No. 198402868E. All rights reserved. Privacy Statement Conditions of Access Advertise Labels: evelyn(: Monday, January 5, 2009, 10:12 PM
Tips on Powerpoint Presentation
Here are some tips by AH BEN on Powerpoint Presentation:For 'Free/Nice PPT templates" & For 'Free/Nice PPT templates" Enjoy~ :D Labels: evelyn(: |