P801 here! |
Saturday, March 21, 2009, 1:07 AM
From Ho,can the following pls activate your school email accounts. Don't be selfish, Pass the message around...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 6:42 AM
Initial Ho
Hi guys,I heard this is the new craze in the class. As your CP, I have taken the initiative to be a part of this class-bonding activity. Look! I even got the AMS team to join in! and here's some e-learning notes for you guys.. good article on racing lines here overall good site on driving techniques here Dorifto! ![]() Labels: Gary Friday, March 13, 2009, 2:52 AM from Muddy Ubin. from ben. Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 2:04 AM
very last minute event.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS!HAPPY BIRTHDAY BING CHENG! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUEYMIN! after much discussion, a bbq was decided! & everything just happened like that in ONE day!!VERY NICE&KIND derrick, informed the guys there's a celebration for the three march babies, bbq at ben's house at.. 5.30am?! wah derrick trying to be god sia. PREPARATION TIME! why is charcoal all out of stock at the same time? so many people bbq-ing today meh? guys went over to Buangkok for charcoal hunting quest, and as expected from derrick... you're caught, derrick. meanwhile............. CHERYL the Great blew them all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SURPRISE!!! with poppers! BBQ TIME! when guys went to ben's house, hueymin was seen blindfolded sitting at the lobby with other girls, but the guys were supposed to keep quiet and just go by. so they did. and helped to set up the bbq. yingxin gave each person 2 pop cracker(whatever it's called). hueymin then came escorted by the other girls, and we popped the cracker at her. guessed ben's cracker or something really hit her la. then louis came, escorted by yingxin and arthur. cheryl gave everyone pop cracker again, and he experienced the same thing. finally it's bingcheng, not popped, but threw into the swimming pool. then louis went into the water. louis again after that, then bang, pulled by louis. ralph went to shit halfway through. GAMES one guy one girl team up face back-to-back and burst a balloon. the game one person have to carry the other up to squeeze the balloon. many didn't managed to burst that balloon. it's damn pain. ouch. bang's team was the first. johnny and cheryl's team cheated, by stepping on to the balloon. and they have to do forfeit, some people took the video of what happened. but cheryl requested not to have her and johnny's video published, so too bad. but here's the pictures, credits to ben. she said it's okay to blog, very unwillingly though. (cheryl's version) we were supposed to burst the balloon using our back. unfortunately mine couldnt burst -.- then johnny stepped on it to make it burst. then thanks ah. forfeit. still say i nvr squeeze hard enough. lols jx and hueymin did forfeit tooo! BIAS nvr take the photooo. idiot ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() then hueymin and junxian were asked to do the same thing, but did it too fast, thus whoever's got the video please place it here in this post. but from my(ralph) angle they looked like kissing la. LOL. AFTERMATH! the three PRCS ppl started acting cool/emoing after that.they started posing then. a smoking can. everyone helped to clean up, especially ralph ah. SO HELPFUL YOU KNOW!(u know who posted de la.) then went off. Tampines gang turned back because daniel wanted to pee while ralph wanted to shit again. people tummyache today ah. then went back to bus stop, arthur bang and jasmine came. they missed their last bus and cabbed off. everyone else bused home. |